Wednesday 9 February 2011

Down The Engine 'ole

Back form skiing now.  Before I went I finally managed to seal the leak in the Port fuel tank.  A successful pressure test (see here for the specs.) was undertaken. This time I racked it up to 1 bar just to be sure. This is just under 5 times the test pressure requirement! 

Time to get started on the engine bay.  The cover has made the area waterproof so I can get on with work whatever the weather.  Since the cover of course its not rained, but I'm not complaining.  While I was away my wife said the winds were really high, and the cover and frame took it.

I had a fair bit office work to do Monday and other obligations Tuesday so didn't get started until mid afternoon each day.  First job was to get the engine bay sanded again!  Surprisingly despite the previously repainted floor having been flooded and then frozen, the paint was well attached over the bulk of the area.  Today I got a full day :-)

I had a rough plan of where things were going to go, the list is quite long. Engine of course, waterlock muffler calorifier, domestic battery box, generator, black water tank, diesel C/H heater, fuel filters, intake water strainer, black water tank air vent carbon filter (stops smells), self pump out pump, standard pump out outlet engine start battery, and all the necessary pipework thats going with it all has to be considered.

The calorifier, battery box and black water tank are in position now, and the rest has to fit around it.  Apart from the waste water tank everything else has gone or will be going pretty much where I had visualised it.  If you look back I could have saved my self a bit of work, but hey ho, its worked out for the better.  The tank was going to be vertical in front of the engine, but now its horizontal on the uxter plate.

I also have a lot of yellow boxes of Vetus stuff.  I know Vetus tends to be expensive but I have to say I am extremely impressed with the design and quality of everything I've touched so far.  All of which has very precise fitting instructions, and in some cases fitting tools as well.

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